There’s been one word coming up again and again in my mind as we move into 2025: transformation. Something about this year just feels very significant already, doesn’t it? Transformation seems to be everywhere—in our lives, our fields of study, our systems, our environment, the whole world around us. Whether it’s the pace of technological change, shifting academic landscapes, or the increasing focus on personal growth, we’re clearly living in a time defined by change.
A lot of this change feels bad right now. Don’t be fooled into feeling disempowered and defeated by that—it isn’t. It’s desperately needed and long overdue. And here’s the exciting part: we get a say in where this rising tide of change takes us. We can harness this transformative energy to move in a better direction, individually and collectively.
It starts by choosing our words carefully. If you have something important to say, make sure you’re saying it well, and to the right audience.
Speak (and write) from the heart. Ground your words in the truth. Don’t outsource them to machines and don’t try to manipulate facts or people. Use clear, simple words and explain any big or technical ones you must use to make your point. Always be asking yourself the question, “What’s the danger if no one ever hears (or reads) this?” And make sure you answer that question repeatedly.
That is how you’ll get your most valuable ideas heard, seen, cited, disseminated, and lauded this year.
If you’re a professor or researcher, you already know how much your career depends on your words. They’re what shape your publications, secure your grants, and communicate your expertise. Yet writing in academia often feels like running a marathon with no real training and no end in sight: exhausting, slow, and discouraging. And in today’s crowded publishing landscape (guaranteed to get increasingly worse as generative AI churns out submissions), it’s hard to get your manuscripts seen, let alone published.
That’s the bad news. The good news? This is also the perfect moment to transform your approach to writing because currently, great writing stands out more than ever. Think of the most successful papers in your field. They aren’t just based on strong research—they’re polished, precise, and intentional. They resonate with their audience (and even beyond) because they’re well-crafted, not just well-informed. It’s that clarity, that purposeful communication, that makes the difference.
In this way, investing in the quality of your writing transforms your work’s impact. It ensures your research doesn’t just sit on a shelf but reaches and influences the people it’s meant to. It opens doors to new opportunities—collaborations, funding, invitations to speak at conferences—and it helps establish your voice as one worth listening to.
In my experience as an editor, the clients who commit to this kind of transformation see remarkable results. They don’t just get published; they stand out in their field. Their ideas gain traction. Their voices carry further.
So this year, I encourage you to reflect deeply on your words and their impact. Whether that means taking more time to refine your drafts or working with someone who can help hone your most important writing, your words are worth the investment. They’re not just tools for communicating—they’re the foundation of your academic success.
If you’re curious about what that might look like, please don’t hesitate to reach out to CS Phares today. We’ve worked with hundreds of business academics at many of the world’s top business schools to refine their writing and further their careers. We also offer free sample edits and quick, no-obligation quotes so you can see exactly what’s possible for your work.
Embrace the transformative power of clear communication, and see where it takes you. After all, the world is changing—and your writing can help ensure that you lead the way.
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